Technology Integration in the Classroom

Technology Integration Assignment
  EDUC216/515 students will be required to complete at least 3 lesson plans that include the integration of technology within the classroom. These lessons should be based on your specialty area.  At least one of the lesson plans should include a cross-curricular activity and all lesson plans must include a component of technology integration.  Lesson plans may include strategies such as PowerPoint presentations, Internet projects, interactive whiteboard strategies, comprehensive websites that include the curriculum for your classroom, or any other technology based concept that may be used within an instructional setting.  Lesson plans should include supporting documentation such as equipment specifications, a brief summary of how the technology will be used, actual examples, etc.  Links to your lesson plans should be included within your website for evaluation.

These lesson plans may be downloaded from a third party; you do not need to create them from scratch unless you feel compelled to do so.  Any lesson plan format is acceptable; however, they do need to meet the the conditions as set forth in the TEAM Model Planning Rubric


Strategies should indicate an understanding and respect for ALL of the following groups or sub-groups-

  • Learning disability in reading

  • Limited English proficiency

  • Economically disadvantaged

  • Low socioeconomic background

It is also important to understand why these selected activities are developmentally appropriate and address differentiation (pp. 11,12,14) for the students.

This assignment will be due three days prior to the last day of class. If the final project requires a formal presentation (most will not), then it will be graded using a RUBRIC. The rubric may be downloaded HERE. Modifications to the Rubric may occur according to the type of project that you choose.

This Technology Integration Project will meet the thinking, Meaning-Centered, Technology Integration Curriculum Project requirement.