There are two Multimedia Assignments. 

: Part 1 demonstrates your ability to download YouTube videos from the Internet and storing them on your flash drive. Please remember that this is an individual assignment and requires the use of Firefox using a Video Download Add-On.

     Assignment Video: Multimedia Part 1 (Video 8:22 Minutes)

Assignment: Part 2 is a group project.  You will need to upload your finished project to YouTube and create a link within your website to the video.  One group member may create a YouTube account for the purpose of uploading the group's completed video.  However, each group member should make a link to the video from his/her website.  Group participation is essential, an anonymous "Peer Evaluation" will be completed by each group member at the conclusion of the project.

Assignment Video: Multimedia Part 2 (Video 17:43 Minutes)

  Assignment 1. By using Firefox and a video download add-on, download at least 3 YouTube Videos to your laptop or flash drive in the "data" folder.  You may use any video format; however, it is recommended to download the videos using the mp4 format.  
  Installing the Video Download add-on for Firefox  
  Assignment 2. Tabletop Movie Making project  

The goal of this project is to create a Tabletop movie similar to the one presented in the hyperlinks above and below.  This is a group project and will count as 10% of your final grade.  Your group's movie will be presented during the last class meeting.  Please refer to the Rubric (below) for grading.  Being a group project, this will be created during class time.

You may use Apple products or PC products to create the movie.  Microsoft offers a free program called "Movie Maker".  Movie Maker usually comes as a default program installed on your Windows computer.  If the program is not installed, you can easily find the free download on the Internet.  It may be downloaded from this link - Movie Maker.

In a fresh Windows 10 installation, Movie Maker is not installed as a default.  To install Movie Maker, click on the link Movie Maker to install this onto your computer.  Be careful not to install the "essentials" with the Movie maker.  You may uncheck these items before installing Movie Maker.

This is a great Tutorial for MS Moviemaker -

Please review the following YouTube videos to give you an idea on how to create a Tabletop movie. 

Tabletop Moviemaking Professional Development workshop 

Tabletop Moviemaking: Advanced camera work explained

Culver City Middle School iPad Moviemaking

Tabletop Moviemaking and the Ring Festival

Tabletop Moviemaking: Camera Framing Vocabulary


Tabletop Moviemaking Using an iPad


2013 Tabletop Moviemaking Workshop, Ages 8-12


Tabletop Moviemaking at the Tom Bradley Center


Five Minute Film Festival: Video Boot Camp


Best Video to Watch about Table Top Moviemaking


RUBRIC - For the team created video.


Peer Evaluation - To be completed by each team member after completing the Video.

  Character Cutouts  Ash_G    Ash_B   Original  
  Student Created Movies  
  Paul Revere  
  Months of the Year  
  Black Friday  
  Happy - Tusculum 2014  
  How Long Should the Twine Be  
  Dora the Explorer  
  The Boy Who Cried Wolf  
  The Thanksgiving Story  
  The Water Cycle  
  Three Little Pigs  
  5 Apps for Making Movies on Mobile Devices