Dynamics of Human Development & Learning Styles of Adults |
Course Objectives/Learning Outcomes: | |||
The objectives of this course are:
Define and distinguish these concepts:
learning, training, instructing, education, and curriculum.
List some of the developmental changes that affect adults as learners,
and present some approaches addressing these changes when helping adults
List some of the barriers to learning that adults often confront, and
describe some intervention for each.
Create a summary of some of the significant research findings and
recommendations on adult intelligence, cognition, and memory.
Define: motivation; and create a list of motivational techniques for
adult learners.
Create a list of principles of adult learning e.g., Knowles, Cross,
Angelo, and cite ways in which each principle may be implemented when
working with adult learners.
Define and distinguish at least four theories of learning; and state an
application of each to adult learners.
Use personality profiles and learning style inventories to identify
individual learning styles and types of learners.
Use learning styles to identify several options to instruction and
Create and present a conceptual learning model that integrates adult
learning theory, an instructional model, and personality and learning
Class Session 1- The focus of this class session is on the nature of education with emphasis on the adult learner. | |||
Session Objectives: | |||
General introduction to the scope and organization of the course content
and activities. |
2. Review of the two learning team assignments due at the end of this course: special topic presentation and Internet resource list – annotated. | |||
3. Conduct a Learners Needs and Expectations “Brain Storming.” | |||
4. Discuss the context and provisions of adult learning-Chapter(s) discussions | |||
5. Discussion of Action Plan in Adult Education | |||
Understanding Your Target Market Is Critical for Success (Demographic Information) |
6. Each student is to create a portfolio of articles and other materials relevant to the subject of Adult Learners. This is a good practice for all courses. | |||
How Millennial are You (Online Quiz) |
Learning team | |||
1. Establish learning team (2-3 members maximum). |
2. Student will bring to class the results of their DISC profile for class review and discussion. | |||
3. Locate the web site: http://keirsey.com/
A good
place to find the sorter instrument, with links to the descriptions of
each of the personality styles http://www.keirseybates.com Click on
The Four Temperaments.
Use this site to discover and compare various learning types.
At a minimum, read about your own personal learning style, the
learning style of your personal opposite, and one other type.
How could you use this information in the field of adult
education? Discuss with the learning team.
Make a list of all the ways one could engage in learning based
upon the learning styles you studied.
The Keirsey Temperament Sorter | |||
Class Session 2 | |||
Session Focus: The focus on this class session is on understanding adult personality and unique learning style preference as a precursor to developing learning programs for adults. | |||
Class Objectives: | |||
1. Use personality profile methods to identify individual learning styles and types of learners. We may use the Kiersey Bates Temperament Sorter, Myers Briggs and DISC personality types to discuss personalities of learners. | |||
2. Use learning styles to identify options to learning. We will use theories and models by David Kolb, Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences, Canfield, Vella’s 12 Principals of Effective Adult Learning and others. | |||
3. Describe and apply several learning models for adult learners. Synthesize these models and learning styles as a guide to use for the design, development, implementation, and evaluation of adult learning programs. | |||
4. The Socratic Method | |||
Class Activities | |||
Class activities include lecture, personality assessment, adaptation of
personality and learning style, learning style profiling.
Students will use lecture material to create lists of
teaching/learning strategies to accommodate a variety of learners.
For Session 3 | |||
Learning Team | |||
Continue work on group projects. | |||
Individual Work | |||
1. Learning Styles Paper. Using the materials we completed in class, and the learning team discussion, write a 2-3 page paper that describes you as an adult learner. Be sure to use elements of personality and learning style, and conclude with a list of ways you most like to learn. Be prepared to share and compare with the entire class. This assignment is valued at 50 points for the final grade. | |||
A well-written paper will include a discussion of most or all of the learning style inventories we used in class. | |||
2. Read and prepare to discuss Chapters 5,7,13 in the text, Learning in adulthood: a comprehensive guide. | |||
3. Read and prepare to discuss Blanchard, P., and Thacker, J. Effective training systems, strategies, and practices. Chapter 3. | |||
Session Objectives: The focus of the third session is using a hierarchy of learning to create learning programs for adults at the appropriate level. Attention will also be given to synthesizing concepts about adult learners into an adult learning model. | |||
1. List the stages of Bloom’s hierarchy of learning, and give examples of how each may be presented. Bloom's Taxonomy | The second Principle - Bloom's Taxonomy | Domains of Learning | |||
2. Create a list of learning activities that demonstrates a hierarchy of learning for a given task or job. | |||
3. Create a list of learning activities you could include in a workshop that addresses the varied learning styles and personalities studied in the previous class sessions for a topic of your choice | |||
4. Discuss of reading assignments. | |||
5. Sharing of the Learning Styles Paper-Student Presentation | |||
3 Domains of Learning: A Brief Summary on Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning Domains |
Learning team | |||
Continue to work on learning team projects and presentations. | |||
Individual Assignment | |||
1. Read and prepare to discuss Chapters
6,15,16 in the text,
Learning in adulthood: a comprehensive guide. |
2. Read and prepare to discuss Noe, R. A. Employee training and development. Chapter 4 | |||
Small Group Team | |||
Gather information for presentation | |||
Session Focus: The focus of this session is to apply principles of adult learning theories and models to develop a “menu of instructional options” for a lesson plan for a particular task or job that addresses an application level of learning, and that includes multiple learning styles. The class will be conducted “workshop style” as a model for adult learning theory application. | |||
Session Objectives | |||
1.Create an instructional/learning strategies menu that incorporates
various styles of learning for one of the following: (examples-use your
imagination) |
¨ How to find and apply for financial aid to attend college.
¨ How to plan and deliver a professional presentation to a group.
¨ How to plan an effective adult learning activity ¨ Using a piece of equipment (your choice) |
2. Synthesize the concepts and theories presented in this course to create a conceptual model of adult learning theory and practice. Include the following concepts: adults as unique learners; learning styles; learning hierarchies.-Class Discussion | |||
3. Small Group Presentations-Syllabus Topics | |||
4. Continue Class Discussion-Readings | |||
Learning Team | |||
Continue to work on learning team projects and Action Plan presentations | |||
Individual Assignment | |||
Continue Readings | |||
Session Objectives: The focus on this session will be on individual group presentations. See the Project Presentation Criteria for specific requirements for this assignment. | |||
1. Group Project presentations on an Selected Action Plan. Each group will plan and implement an evaluation activity for the lesson plan for their presentation. The class will provide constructive feedback for improvement and reinforcement. | |||
2. Internet Sources/Abstracts-Group Presentation | |||
3. Continue Class Discussion | |||
Learning Team | |||
Complete the Internet web site assignment as a team and prepare to present your findings to your class. | |||
Power | |||
French and Raven's Five Forms of Power | |||
Learning Theories | |||
5 Principles for the Teacher of Adults | |||
17 Tips To Motivate Adult Learners | |||
10 Recommendations for Improving Group Work | |||
Strategies for Managing Online Discussions | |||
Does Discussion Make a Difference? | |||
When to Use Whole Class Feedback | |||
Overcoming the Imposter Syndrome: Advice for New Faculty | |||
Six Principles for Measuring and Communicating the Value of Your Faculty Development Center | |||
The Adult Learning Styles | |||
VARK© inventory | |||
Description of the VARK Instrument | |||
What is Self-Directed Learning? | |||
9 Tips To Apply Adult Learning Theory to eLearning | |||